Veterans Task Manager

by ESE University of Florida

Health & Fitness


This application was initially created to help veterans who have suffered head injuries, but can be helpful for anyone who has trouble focusing and completing goals.For the veterans, this application helps them to do in-home training.Features• Create and manage simple and complex personal goals. • Helping to provide a structure to complete goals and work towards independence and confidence.• Create templates for goals that you think you will need to do multiple times. • Preventing excessive repetition during goal creation.• Keep track of how long it takes you to complete your goals. • Helping you to be aware of improvements in your abilities with accurate to-the-second times.• Help you stay focused by alerting you while completing of each step. • These are helpful reminders to help you focus on what you are trying to finish.• You can self-evaluate your performance of tasks. • Helping you to determine changes in ability and outlook over time.This application is created through guidance from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs RR&D Brain Rehabilitation Research Center (BRRC).